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The length of the content must not be more than 1000 to 1500 words. Write for us a content on our guest posting site that is plagiarism free and devoid of any grammatical mistakes. Your content must have a subject that is News & Social Media - related and will benefit our business objectives. Write for us will guest post well written contents that will be helpful and provide value to our audience.
Your content must have a strong keyword strategy with LSI keywords in the frequency of 1% to 2%. Your guest post must have the correct format that includes a heading, subheading, paragraphs, bullet points and summary. Make the content interesting on our guest posting site by adding visually appealing images and videos.
Keepoffline guest posting site will publish your high quality content to make it stand out and enhance your target audience. Write for us content focusing on the latest innovations that will optimize the search engines and build backlinks.
Follow the given guidelines for writing articles on News & Social Media guest posting site:
Do you want to write on our Guest posting site? Email your blogs or articles on our registered email ID. Make sure to follow all the guidelines while writing a guest post for us.
Our team will respond to your email within 2 to 3 working days. If there is a delay from our end in responding to your mails, do not worry. We will get in touch with you as soon as we have completed our pending workload.
If you are expecting a quick response from our team, mention “sponsored post” in your subject line and our team will get in touch with you immediately.